
  • Amateur Photometry with Small Telescopes (RASC 2005)
    (PPT) (PDF)
  • The Science of Light (Shamrock School Feb 28, 2011)
    (PDF) (PPT)
  • Photometry for Amateurs using iTelescopes (RASC Sept 14 2018)  
  • The Hale Telescope at Palomar: the 200″ at 70 (RASC Feb 9 2019)  
    (PDF) (YouTube)
  • ATM and Open Astronomy (Spruce Woods Star Party Aug 31 2019)
    (PDF) (PPTX) (Demo)
  • Building a Backyard Observatory (RASC Oct 2019)
    (PPTX) (PDF) (Youtube)
  • Open Astronomy (RASC May 8 2020)
  • Boots on Mars this Decade (RASC February 11 2022)
    (PPTX) (PDF) (Video MP4) (Youtube)