Day 2 Build
Not a huge amount done today due to other activities (amazing how getting up at 4:30am to deliver a kid to the bus depot for Rocky Mountain Lacrosse League finals…
Pier work
Thanks to my son Liam (who is a machinist and works with tools I’m frankly frightened of!) for helping cut down the pier for the new Micro-observatory, my pier is…
Rainy Day = Inside Work
Since it’s a rainy day today and I’m not working on the micro-observatory (MO) outside I figured this was a good time to work on the control systems for the…
Final Measurements!
Working on determining the final dimensions of the building. The picture below is the scope in the parked position, where the roof would need to clear. Clearly, the tripod would…
Landscaping complete
Despite temperatures over 30C and high humidexes driving temps towards 40C I managed (with many breaks to cool down!) to get a yard of topsoil and half a pallet (30…
Micro-observatory Build Step 1
Soil and sod are ordered for my next day off so the landscaping will get done that day. Next, I need to build the frame of the observatory and mount…
… and gone
The demolition of the old observatory is complete! I need to do some landscaping and excavate two of the cottage blocks that the weight of the building has pushed 6″…
… And Continues
With the roof and walls removed, now comes the hard part – prying up the plywood floor. A subfloor was added to seal off the original pad opening so that…